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Alternative Learning Lesson Plans

Kindergarten Lesson plans

Week 1 April 6-10

Spread out the lessons so that your child is not spending hours upon hours doing school work in one day. Students at this age learn a lot through play and helping around the house.


If you would prefer to have a packet here is a link to a printable packet


READING--Sight words

Sight word information for parents

Heggerty Information for parents

Heggerty 1

Heggerty 2

Heggerty 3 part 1

Heggerty 3 part 2

Decodable video 1

Decodable video 2

Decodable words

Easy Leveled Reader

Average Leveled Reader

Challenge Leveled Reader

Reading a story to work on comprehension “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”

Writing prompt to go with reading video

MATH--Zearn 10-20 minutes 3-4 times per week--contact your child’s teacher for their zearn login information



SCIENCE: Life Cycle of a Butterfly Caterpillars came in on April 2.

Reading will be “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” By Eric Carle

Teachers can video their caterpillars and share the changes that are taking place with students during the life cycle.

Extra books about the butterfly life cycle.

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

From Egg to Butterfly



SOCIAL STUDIES: “I can explain how decisions made can impact others” Details: describe why groups need to make decisions and how those decisions are made in families and classrooms. Students need to know: how decisions are made peacefully to help the greater good. Students need to be able to: role-play scenarios in decision making. For example a movie night vote. Whats for dinner vote.

Extra books on making decisions

Great Choice, Camille!

Sallys Big Save